Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and could not come at a more pertinent time.  COVID-19 has changed all of our daily lives in some way, including changing how we can socialize with our family and friends, changing how we perform our jobs, and causing stress, anxiety, and fear. Those already struggling with mental illness are worsening as isolation and stress related to job changes/loss, money, childcare, etc. increase.  Suicide hotlines have seen an 800% spike in calls and there are major concerns that suicide and overdose will be the following COVID-19 as the next pandemic.  Mental health professionals continue to work with clients through this pandemic through telemedicine and some continue to see clients in person. 

As a local therapist located in Sibley, services are being offered through telemedicine at this time.  You may contact Creative Living Center at 712-476-5245 to get set up with an appointment.  Once we can lift our restrictions, you may be seen in the Sibley office, located in the Osceola Community Health Services building. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the following symptoms, please reach out to schedule an appointment. 

  • Decreased interest in activities/ lack of motivation
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than usual
  • Significant changes in appetite
  • Feeling hopeless, helpless, or worthless
  • Difficulty concentrating or completing tasks to the end

If you are experiencing any thoughts of wishing you were gone or of harming yourself in any way, please call the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-TALK (8255).  If your thoughts worsen and you have a suicidal plan, please call 911 or the local emergency room at 712-754-2574.

Below are some tips to help cope during these difficult times.

  • Maintain a routine as much as possible. This may mean creating a new routine.
  • Continue to reach out to supportive people and loved ones however you are able. Share your thoughts and feelings.
  • Take breaks outside with socially distancing in mind.
  • Turn off the news and decrease time on social media.
  • Relax your body often through stretching, yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
  • Maintain a healthy balanced diet and physical activity daily.


Amanda J. Ten Napel, MS, LMFT, CEAP