Privacy Practices & Policy

Osceola Regional Health Center takes your privacy very seriously. The privacy of our patients is one of our greatest concerns. We are required to keep your personal and medical information confidential before, during and after your visit.

Our dedication to privacy extends beyond our doctors and nurses to include everyone employed in our healthcare family, including our specialty clinics and public health department. We want you to feel safe knowing your personal and medical information is protected.

For more information, you may review Osceola Regional Health Center’s Notice of Privacy  /  Aviso de Prácticas de Privacidad

If you are concerned your privacy may have been violated or have any privacy questions, please call 712-754-5314 and ask to speak with the privacy officer.

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Health Fact

It is estimated that more than $18 billion could be saved annually if patients whose medical problems are considered “non-urgent” were to go see their primary care or urgent care providers instead of going to the ER.